2011年1月29日 星期六


今晚去看了這套音樂劇 - 歌曲編排與劇情配合得很有心思,反映出很多香港年青人的現況和感受;當中有不少「抵死」的對白,令觀眾很有共鳴!

8 則留言:

Unknown 提到...


Unknown 提到...


澤日生 提到...

Thanks! Yes, I like Eason. He's a great singer. About the musical, actually《一丝不挂》 was not performed in it, haha.

Unknown 提到...

my dear christopher,i'm looking forward to listening your new songs~
《你的女人》《一絲不掛》have been repeated over and over again...

CY 提到...

Waiting for you composition!~

澤日生 提到...

Hope you like my upcoming song.

澤日生 提到...

Thanks very much Dandan!

Not including the Mandarin versions of several of my Cantonese songs, so far I had only two Mandarin songs published for黃曉明 and 高昊. I'd like to work with artists with great singing talents in both the Mandarin and Cantonese domains when there are suitable opportunities.

澤日生 提到...

Deanie Yip